All Instrumental Music (NIMB) students and parents: Help us with a quick one-evening fundraiser to support the entire music program! NIMB will work the Football Snack Shack and as parking attendants before the game to raise $500 for our program. Student and Parent teams are best, plus there are several additional volunteer slots for students only.
Jessica Johnson is the point-of-contact for Football Snack Shack - her cell number is (925) 788-3103.
EVERYONE must check in with Jessica Johnson at the Snack Shack before their shift - arrive 10 minutes early!
Parking attendants NEED to come see Jessica Johnson at the Snack Shack so she can give them cash envelope and the sign.
Your names will be given to the VIP entry gate on the left side of the stadium - you do not need to buy a ticket to the game!
Oct, 13 2023 5:30 PM
Oct, 13 2023 9:45 PM