Sign up to Volunteer Today! We NEED YOU! NIMB is a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the Northgate Instrumental Music Program, in order to do this effectively we need the help of as many parents and guardians as possible. Jobs can be shared by more than one person and we are here to offer help and support to new recruits! Please contact us at nimbconnect@gmail.com to sign up to help our amazing Student Musicians. We can't do this without you! See Volunteer Opportunities page for more information.
Click on the RED 'VOLUNTEER TODAY' button below to sign up OR copy and paste this in your browser: https://app.boosterhub.com/volunteer
CHAPERONE AND EVENT VOLUNTEERING! Every event needs help. There are different options at each event. Aim to help with at least 2-3 events/family this year. Chaperones are needed for every event off-campus. Parents will alternate at events and cover for each other so no need to miss seeing your teen perform. Sometimes we need food support or driving support or set-up support or background support. There's a variety of options!! You must have MDUSD clearance to chaperone. Check the calendar and click on the link to see what options are available for each event BENEFITS? Free entry costs at events. Great company, new friends, old friends. See new places! Get to know the teens at Northgate!